March 6, 2025 International Trending News Stories

How to Persist and Survive against All Odds – The Inspiring Story of Leah Eber

Ordinary winds cannot extinguish the ambers of spirit that burns bright. These sparks turn into flames that set the whole world on fire with unmatched ferocity. People who hold these sparks within them go on to achieve marvelous feats even when the course of nature is sometimes against them. Leah Eber, the founder of Life with Leah and author of Chocolate Affirmations, is one such prodigy who didn’t let her shortcomings define her; instead, she rose to the occasion and became the author of her life. 

As a baby, Leah suffered from a condition known as ‘sleep apnea’, a potentially serious sleeping disorder where breathing repeatedly stops and starts. Leah developed some complex breathing issues and was constantly attached to a breathing monitor for the first years of her life. She could not sleep lying down, and the doctors had declared that she wouldn’t make it past a few years. 

However, with her family’s consistent support, she beat the odds against her. She grew into a child with very high energy levels and was constantly searching for something creative to pursue. She tried her hand at every intriguing and innovative opportunity, like sports, drawing, designing, etc.

During her years at the college, she was an elite track and field athlete and 4x Big Ten long jump champion. Then, she competed in Olympic Trials in 2012. She was also the NCAA Woman of the Year School nominee and was awarded the Arthur Ashe Sports Scholar Award. 

Leah specialized in personal training and nutrition coaching, which made her start the business, Life with Leah. She helps her clients with weight loss and physical wellness journey, prioritizing the emotional and mental health that eventually aids them in realizing their true potential and building their healthiest lifestyle. 

Not confining herself to one domain and exploring her creative side, Leah also published her book of poetry, Chocolate Affirmations. The book tackles the idea of beauty standards imposed by society on women of color and how their authentic selves are forever confined and never wholly explored. 

Recently, Leah was named Muscle and Fitness Magazine’s top 10 Cover model recipient. In 2022, she was also selected by Facebook/Meta to be a Facebook class instructor. 

Regardless of the adversity, Leah rose from the ashes like a phoenix and took charge of her life. Coming from a point where she could have easily had her illness define her, she chose to make a mark and help people around her by becoming a source of inspiration. 

Follow Life with Leah on Instagram to know more about the updates.      

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