When Mitch Durfee developed a habit to read a new book every week for 5 consecutive years, he came across many fundamental lessons that he wished for the world to know. As a result, he took a lot of the lessons he discovered and put them into his own best selling book “Serve 2 Win”, along with his own experiences. Since it was the first book in Mitch’s business guidebook series, he discussed an unusual approach that would help all small business owners adopt important skills needed to succeed in an entrepreneurship journey. Subsequently, he introduced 8 fundamental steps and values needed to sustain a business that included: having the right values, setting goals, creating a support network, cultivating a positive mental attitude, taking action, protecting your time, building your team, and positioning yourself to win. Therefore, “Serve 2 Win” and other business guidebooks in Mitch’s series together demonstrate a comprehensive path to success and how one can form a reality based perspective when running a business.
Apart from serving as a guide to entrepreneurs through his book, the author of “Serve 2 Win” is also the founder of The Credit Repair Blueprint, a credit repair course that helps people make a living by assisting them in fixing their credit scores and getting them out of debt. Since there were many people around Mitch struggling to get access to loans or find affordable rates on mortgages, he introduced his credit repair program so that everyone can use credit to grow their business and purchase their first home without any worries. Therefore, his uniquely constructed course provides his clients with knowledge and tools that would stick with them forever, unlike other credit agencies who just aim to retain their customers to make more money. Thus, while his clients follow the course, they can also actively work on improving their credit score side by side!
That being so, whatever Mitch has worked on so far, whether it is serving as the bestselling author, finding a new business, or participating as a keynote speaker, everything was based on his key life principle, that is, “to be of service”.