Coughing, sniffles, hoarseness – a cold can be quite a nuisance! All the more unpleasant if the toothache is added to it. Often, however, these are related to the cold.
If a cold is accompanied by a cold, there is often also an inflammation of the sinuses, which belong to the sinuses. The inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses, in turn, can also cause toothache in some people, as the inflamed tissue can exert pressure on the dental nerves.
The pain usually occurs laterally in the upper jaw or in the upper row of teeth, as these border on the maxillary sinuses from below. The pain then feels like toothache, although the actual nerve irritation is located a little above the teeth.
Such toothache, which accompanies a cold or rhinitis, often cannot be assigned to a specific tooth, but is rather diffuse through the upper jaw, is alternately sharp or seems to wander. Sometimes the pain radiates into the lower jaw.
What can you do against toothache with a cold?
Painkillers with the active ingredients ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) or paracetamol are suitable for relieving toothache caused by a cold. Unlike paracetamol, the active ingredients ibuprofen and ASA have the advantage that they not only reduce toothache but also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
The toothache usually improves together with the cold within a few days of its own accord. If the toothache lasts longer, have the symptoms clarified by the dentist. Also, point out your weather to him. If there seems to be no cause for the pain in your teeth, a visit to your family doctor or ear, nose, and throat specialist is also recommended.