March 6, 2025 International Trending News Stories

Category: <span>Lifestyle</span>

Why Katie Godfrey Launched an International Beauty Training Academy

August 3, 2021

August 3, 2021

Katie Godfrey entered the beauty industry by launching her salon, KG Salon in 2009 with the help of bank loans...

How Mosope Ogunjobi Grew her Following During the COVID Lockdown

July 24, 2021

July 24, 2021

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world at the beginning of 2020, everything went online. From shopping malls to educational...

Meet Jay Medvedeva, Female Russian DJ and Producer Based In Berlin

June 1, 2021

June 1, 2021

One of the artists currently inspiring us on her journey of transformation is Jay Medvedeva. She is an artist and...

Meet Abby Roberge: A Comedian For All

March 24, 2021

March 24, 2021

If there is ever a comedian to be dubbed as suitable for all audiences; it’s Abby Roberge.  This one of a...

Music legend Dolly Parton triggers a new social media hit with an Instagram picture

January 24, 2020

January 24, 2020

music legend Dolly Parton caused a sensation on social media with a meaningful posting and thus launched the #DollyPartonChallenge. What’s...

Eating against dementia: 20 foods that help – and 9 that harm

January 17, 2020

January 17, 2020

What we eat promotes or stops cognitive decline. In the eyes of US neurologists Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, nutrition is,...

Food trend: does protein fluff really help you lose weight?

January 17, 2020

January 17, 2020

Anyone who wants to build up muscles successfully should opt for a low-calorie, but high-protein diet and will sooner or...

The app that wants to change how we hear the concerts

January 16, 2020

January 16, 2020

Journalist Mike Murphy, who deals with technology for Quartz, wrote on Twitter: “I experience a lot of new technology for...

There is a new apple

January 16, 2020

January 16, 2020

Cosmic Crisp will be sold starting today in the United States, it is patented and the New York Times speaks...

The mathematical formula of eco-sustainable coffee

January 13, 2020

January 13, 2020

The research, published in the journal Matter, starts from the formulation of a mathematical theory that describes the proportion of...