March 6, 2025 International Trending News Stories

The psychologist gives tips against the fear of flying “Acute breathing exercises help”

Verena Kantrowitsch suffered from fear of flying. Here the psychologist explains how she healed herself – and what she recommends to others.

Buzz Sentinel: Ms. Kantrowitsch, over a long period, you have advised people who were plagued by specific fears – and only noticed late on that you suffer from fear of flying. How can that be?

Verena Kantrowitsch: I was probably blind to my work. I thought that I was a stable, non-neurotic type who had no diagnosable fears. And in everyday life, fear of flying can be quickly suppressed. But then I realized that I avoid flying because I am scared.

Buzz Sentinel: You write in your book that you even cancelled a trip to Krakow with friends because they didn’t want to fly.

Kantrowitsch: Yes, I told myself that this trip wasn’t that important and that it was much too strenuous, a party trip where I wouldn’t get enough sleep. Afterwards, everyone was very enthusiastic about it. That was twelve years ago now, and I still regret a little that I didn’t go.

Mathias Bothor
Verena Kantrowitsch, born 1979, studied psychology at the University of Osnabrück and works as a psychologist in the public sector. She works part-time as a consultant and communication trainer. “I can fly!” is her first book. It will be published on February 4.

Buzz Sentinel: When did the subject come up again?

Kantrowitsch: Three years later, a good friend and I were thinking that we would like to go on holiday together. We were both in complicated relationships and thought it was a great idea to travel together. He wanted to go somewhere warm. And I dreamt shortly before that I was swimming through a tunnel in the North Sea, and on the other side it was sunny, and the water was all blue. I woke up and thought: Okay, obviously I do have the desire to fly south after all, so I have to do something about my fear of flying.

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