Living in a world full of hate, pessimism, and negativity is unbearably burdensome. One tends to forget how to be happy while trapped in this sludge of negativity and often overlook the good that is there in life. However, the fantastic R&B singer Allura is trying to change that. And she has only just begun.
Start by taking up all the despicable events of your day, and then think about someone who may have gone through worse. A smile and a polite word can go a long way to ensure that the endless circle of pain ends. Allura does her bit to spread all the positive vibes one needs when caught in a dire situation.
Social media has done wonders in providing a platform to anyone who wants to make a difference. Allura uses her viral TikTok videos to talk about social injustice and encourages all to try to make the world a better place for everyone, regardless of their age, race, or gender. She strongly advocates for women’s empowerment through her lyrics and always motivates women in her video content.
A nasty comment or an unpleasant gesture can destroy anyone’s peace of mind, regardless of whoever is responsible for it. However, for Allura, a woman’s word or compliment carries more value than a man’s. She strongly suggests women stand up for each other instead of being rivals out of envy or pettiness. She says we can become a force for good in the world this way.
It is a well-established fact that mental health is as important as physical health. Allura also believes that only a healthy mind can generate optimism during the darkest hours of someone’s life. “Investing in yourself is necessary if you want to surround yourself with positivity. Your soul is precious, and you owe it to yourself to safeguard it against all the pessimism,” she says.
There is beauty in diversity, and Allura is all for celebrating that. She believes that while coming from a varied background can be overwhelming every so often, you can always create favorable conditions with the right attitude. The only way to move forward is by becoming positive yourself.
Changing the world is not something done through a few words. It can only happen when you lift yourself out of your misery and disbelief in yourself. Allura wants women to understand that they are beautiful, regardless of their looks or bodies. Every soul is beautiful, and each body deserves celebration. A woman who is not saddled by society’s pressures and who dares to step out of her comfort zone is more suited to have a productive life. Allura believes in dreaming big and aiming high. “The sky’s the limit when it comes down to achieving your goals,” she says, “it all starts with you and how you think.”