Successful people aren’t usually born into the best of circumstances. Their genuine desire and willingness to learn is what makes them flourish in life. By keeping an open mind, high-achievers usually learn from everyone and every situation they encounter. The same is the case with Kardell Sims, an author, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and podcast host who turned every experience into an opportunity to grow.
The inmate-turned-entrepreneur Kardell Sims currently serves as the founder of a self-named re-entry consulting business that deals with formerly incarcerated individuals to help them throughout their reintegration process. In an effort to desist them from recidivism and prevent the newly released from committing crimes again, Sims makes sure to spread his own re-entry story far and wide to inspire and motivate individuals facing similar issues.
Spending most of his adult life in and out of federal and state prisons, the prison expert has enough knowledge on his hands about addressing criminality, identifying the root causes of crime, and successfully re-entering society. Behind the bars of federal prison, he spent most of his time reading books, taking notes of his visions of how he’s going to live life after jail, and planning to never return as a prisoner.
And nothing went in vain as Kardell ended up writing six books, including his famous work Inmate to Inspiration: How I Freed Myself From Self-Destruction which oozes his experiences in prison and keys to his success. The books have garnered praise for being enjoyable yet cathartic for individuals undergoing change.
Sims didn’t stop at that. Continuing his effort to guide ex-offenders, he started The Re-Entry Journey, a podcast that highlights returning citizens’ journey before, during, and after prison. Speaking at various prisons, clubs, and correctional institutes, the former prisoner has dedicated the rest of his life to helping prisoners and youth set the right goals.
The re-entry specialist is also the founder of On The Inside Re-Entry Academy. This program provides personal development courses to the inmates and is currently running at Western Reception Diagnostic and Correction Center (WRDCC) in Saint Joseph, Missouri. The academy’s curriculum has been created to help the justice-involved individuals desist from a life of crime and delinquency.
Sims is a life coach not just to the prisoners of crime but also to prisoners of negatively impacting mentality. If you’re looking for expert life advice, visit Kardell Sims’ website to get yourself a one-on-one coaching lesson from the master-certified life empowerment mentor.