February 15, 2025 International Trending News Stories

The Science of Metaphysics – Dr. Amberleigh Carter Is Transforming Lives with Her Foundational Holistic Knowledge

When it comes to alternative health practices, most of us are unaware of the science behind these alternative methods, so they are not much considered.  However, the science behind the intangible and unseen world that impacts our physical bodies is uniquely understood, explained, and applied by Dr. Amberleigh Carter

A board-certified Alternative Medical Practitioner and Founder of her consulting business, Kinection Holistic Health, Dr. Amberleigh helps her clients understand how both their internal and external environments affect their health.  She explains, “Just as we have intangible waves of energy, like Wifi and Bluetooth, around us that we cannot hear, see, taste, touch, or smell– but, we can see the physical impact of these imperceptible waves of energy that creates a picture on a screen or a text message appear in a phone, as if by magic–the body operates the same way.  This is science– what appears to be magic is simply science that has yet to be explained.”

Fascinated by the mind-body connection, with a strong curiosity for the driving force behind human health and behavior, Dr. Amberleigh studied Exercise Science as her major, and Neuroscience and Psychology, as a double minor. After graduation, she went into the research realm, working as the Director of Brain Wellness for Alzheimer’s and Dementia studies.

Being in the midst of what she thought was the epicenter of getting answers, Dr. Amberleigh soon became disenchanted with the process of research, as she kept receiving unsatisfactory answers for her deeper questions.  She began to realize that some aspects of life could not be explained by the traditional way of science. Therefore, she decided to study something much deeper than conventional physics and dove into researching metaphysics.

She earned a Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate from the University of Metaphysical Sciences, strengthening her understanding of the science behind things that are not visible or physical, yet have a very physical impact on our world.  

Unlike the traditional, western model for science and human health: viewing the mind and body as separate entities, metaphysics understands the interconnectedness between the two, as well as the driving force behind their interplay.

With that newfound understanding, Dr. Amberleigh established that concept as her foundation for her practice, and, today, serves clients with her scientific expertise by helping them implement new tools to change their reality.  This enables her to help her clients expedite their goals, as they are able to identify and work with the root of an issue, giving them more options and tools in their toolbox for improving their health and lifestyle.

Click here to learn more about Dr. Amberleigh’s knowledge of metaphysics and alternative health.

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